When men have sex they will certainly want to know how to prolong ejaculation for as long as possible in order to make the experience far more pleasurable both for them and for their lover as well. However, in the throes of passion it can become very difficult to control yourself and as such the entire experience can be over far more quickly than you would like.
That being said, there are certain things that can be done in order to help to prolong ejaculation for as long as possible. One thing to do would be to simply make sure you control your mental state during the experience. This will certainly take some practice, but the more you can control your emotions and your sensitivity during sex, the longer you will be able to last in bed.
In addition, you need to be honest with your partner and have then help you. When you feel like you are about to ejaculate, simply stop for a little while and let the urge pass. Many men will not comfortable doing this without their lover is aware of the situation, and there before you need to be completely honest. By stopping and then building up again this will help to improve the overall experience for both of you.
You can also make sure that you gain a greater degree of control over your PC muscles. The PC muscles are those that control the flow of both semen and your and urine. You can train these muscles by stopping when you are urinating for about 10 seconds. If you do this multiple times each time you urinate you will then gain greater control of these muscles and can there ever gain greater control over your ejaculation as well.
All in all, it is a good idea to conduct some research and get some advice from others as well. You could choose to talk to your doctor about the problem, or could simply do some research online or in books in order to find some natural treatments that will help you to prolong ejaculation.